• No houses left in Warner Robins, City is taking ACTION,Mischa Thompson

    No houses left in Warner Robins, City is taking ACTION

    The city of Warner Robins is taking action to solve the housing issue that has been affecting our area for quite some time now.   We all know how difficult it's become over these last two years, not only here but nationwide as well with decreasing interest rates due to the pandemic and the huge demand for home buyers. The Feds started increasing the interest rates and in mid-May, we started seeing the market shift which eliminated potential buyers out there resulting in slowing down the market significantly! Though the market here in Warner Robins has not seen an increase in housing inventory like other areas, there are still homes for sale. One reason is that we have a huge military base with Robin Air Force Base and its constant flow of people moving into town or out again - buying houses along their journey. Yes, buyers have the upper hand now, finally after two years where they can negotiate actually prices and all of those good things that come with it but inventory still hasn’t increased which means house values haven't dropped either meaning people are being priced out even more so than before because there just isn't enough product on the market for them to buy into.   Warner Robins is acknowledging that they have a problem with affordable and good housing. And since there isn't much of a change in Warner Robins other than the market being slower because fewer people want to buy at those high-interest rates, prices are not dropping as much either - making matters worse for the regular workforce who cannot find homes near their jobs nor afford them on what little income remains after monthly expenses like mortgages or rent payments come out.     By the end of 2022, 500 new construction single-family homes are expected to be completed in this city. However, the multifamily sector is still outpacing the single-family home market in Warner Robins. Even with all those new built, there is still a shortage! People who want their own home rather than living somewhere else like an apartment or rental property where you have no control over what goes on inside (plus dealing with potential Maintenance problems) have currently not many options in the Warner Robins Housing Market. The real estate market currently does not really help with that situation the city says. The housing market is not being helped by incentives or the possibility of negotiating a lower price. The city wants to help this situation so they met with 50 developers and home builders in order to figure out how to get more new developments going that will have better options for the workforce! We really do need these types of initiatives because affordability can be tricky--what does "affordable" mean anyways?   With an average price point of $250,000 and 7% interest rates right now - which can be costly for people's budgets-we're unfortunately not affordable to many when it comes to housing. Even though the cost of living in Warner Robins is ways below the national average and even lower than the Georgia average.   I'm sure you're all aware that interest rates have been on a steady rise since March for quite some time now. They might go down and level at 5-6%, but who can say with certainty? The thing is we'll never know unless there's a Fed announcement or something unexpected happens.   LaRhonda Patrick said that there is a drastic need for our essential workers, medical professionals, and teachers. She also mentioned firemen and policemen as well as military personnel in her statement; I couldn't agree more with what she had to say because they all deserve an opportunity at living securely within the city limits of Warner Robins!   The city needs to work as fast as they can because it does not seem like the problem is getting solved. And she goes on talking about how everybody deserves access to quality workforce housing with affordable prices- this includes you guys, citizens of Warner Robins!!!   To ensure that Warner Robins remains a welcoming city for all, fifty developers met with officials from the City of Warner Robins. The goal? To get more affordable and quality housing in the Warner Robins area.   The City made this point clear in the meeting!   Creating a more welcoming environment for developers and builders will allow them to produce quality homes that are affordable. The city wants this too, which is why they're working on streamlining regulations so new construction can happen more quickly while still meeting code standardsThe hope here isn't just about cutting red tape - it's also adding incentives like reducing timeframes between permits or providing easier access into zoning boards & commissions as well as making sure there aren’t any further delays in getting started with building your dream home!   Warner Robins is experiencing an unprecedented growth period. The number of companies in town is constantly on the rise, which means that there's more demand for housing and everything related to it- Our city’s director of community & economic development department Kate Hogan said "Our Community will be growing even further in the future, we expect that the multifamily sector within Warner Robins will be growing by 54% in the next years!"     The City took the initiative to get a solution for our current housing problem in Warner Robins.   The city also mentioned that currently there are more homes being built than the CURRENT demand calls for. But that is the current demand, who knows how that is going to look if the interest rates are going back down and more buyers starting to consider purchasing again?!   Who knows what that demand will be in the next year!          

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  • 10 Things to do in Warner Robins Georgia,Mischa Thompson

    10 Things to do in Warner Robins Georgia

    Well, I hear you might be thinking that there is nothing to do in Warner Robins. And let me tell ya; That couldn't possibly be any further from the truth! When looking into this city or anywhere around our area for fun things to see and do -you came to the right place. I will show you 10 fun and entertaining things to do in the city of Warner Robins.   Here is my top 10 list when it comes to things to do in Warner Robins Georgia     10. The Museum of Aviation The second-largest museum for the aerospace industry, this east side Warner Robins attraction is free and has many things to take in. With four exhibit halls with over 85 different airplane models on display - it's no wonder why they are one of Georgia’s most popular tourist attractions! Take a trip to the Museum of Aviation located on 21 acres on the east side of Warner Robins. And take a look at the BlackBird, A10 that is still in service today as well as the U2 Spyplane. You can also find examples of uniforms and utilities used in WWII and learn a little bit about the history. This is definitely something you should check out and it's free of charge.    I would encourage you to donate to the museum nevertheless, the people keeping this museum up and working are doing an amazing job and it will help the museum of aviation to keep doing what they are doing.     9. Rigby's Water and Entertainment Complex   Rigby's Water World and Entertainment Complex is one of the largest water parks in Georgia, with over 20 slides to take you on your adventure! There are also 40 different activities for all ages. If that isn't enough Rigby's has plenty more inside his complex: laser tag rooms; arcade games like MsPacman or Galaga™ ; bowling alley - where visitors can even bowl against computerized targets instead of human beings, you also can enjoy the outdoors with your family by playing a round of putt-putt. If those activities are all not quite cool enough for you, you can get on the go-kart track and test your racing skills.      8. The International City Golf Club     When you think of an 18-hole public course in the South, chances are that one name will come to mind: International City Golf Club. This iconic facility was designed by Lunet and has been around since 1958 when it first opened its doors for business as a memorable place with beautiful trees surrounding each green while water tweaking at your feet on every other shot begging forgiveness if done wrong because everyone knows how difficult these things can be sometimes! This is not the only Golf Club in the Warner Robins area but by far the most Iconic.     7. The Little Theatre      The Little Theater in Warner Robbins is a passion project for those who love theater, whether it's plays or musicals. They put on at least five shows per season and have workshops too! You should definitely check out this historic venue when you're visiting our beautiful city - I'm sure that there will be something perfect to your liking waiting inside these doorsThe little theatrics isn't just about performing; they also provide educational opportunities like classes so kids can learn how to act without being told what lines are supposed.     6. Ocmulgee Mounds National Park      The Ocmulgee Mounds National Park is forty minutes away from Water Robins, but it’s worth a day trip to Macon. This ancient Native American settlement provides insight into the history of this region during colonial times when European settlers first arrived here in America-a land known as “The Last Frontier." You can explore more than 50 acres that include middens (unrefined earthworks) created by centuries-old cultures; stone walls up along graded earthen pathways leading off towards what was once the town center where some believe there might still exist buried treasure including Spanish silver coins left behind afterHernán Cortés invaded Mexico   5. The International Farmers Market     The International City's Farmer Market has been a go-to for locals and tourists alike since 1968. The diversity of people that live in this little town is truly reflected by its many restaurants, all offering something different from one another! But it doesn't stop there - you'll also find fresh produce at the weekly farmers market held on Maple Street every Thursday morning or during summer months when they move operations over to Watson Boulevard., where you can get your hands on some delicious local goodies like fruit Leathers (made with locally grown berries)     Warner Robins has an endless list of things to do. There are so many fun activities available in this city, it will be hard not finding something that catches your eye! You just need some time outside the house for inspiration and creativity- otherwise, you'll end up like everyone else who thinks there's nothing happening here - which is absolutely untrue!   4. War Town Escape Room     We all have our own reasons for playing escape rooms. Some of us like trying to beat the clock, while others need a good challenge and there are still lots who want help from an expert if they get stuck in an escape room. Warner Robins is home to some of the best escape rooms in Georgia. They have five different, challenging rooms that will test your skills and patience--but you'll be glad afterward because these activities bring friends & family together like no other! You can't go wrong with an escape room. If you're looking for something that will get your mind going, try a war town challenge! You'll have the opportunity to be creative and use problem-solving skills in order to find clues while escaping from challenging rooms within 2 hours or less- no pressure at all (well... maybe if we're talking about time limits). There are many types of challenges available like clue-finding problems & clipboard puzzles; cryptography schemes involving codes hidden on pictures/signs. Definitely, a place to check out!   3. Fine Art Society     The Fine Art Society in the heart of Warner Robins is a place for anyone who loves art or wants to learn more about it. You can find both locals and tourists alike there, as well as those looking at taking classes from professionals up their skill level on whatever subject may be interested them most right now - whether that's painting techniques or how different artists work (or even just getting some new inspiration!)A visit would also not disappoint if you're planning something special around paintings because they offer many kinds.   2. Martin Luther King Jr. National Historical Park     Not in Warner Robins but definitely worth the trip to Atlanta. Explore one of the most historic places in America on a self-guided tour through Martin Luther King Jr National Historical Park. The park includes not only his childhood home but also some buildings that tell you everything from what he was like as an infant to how successful programs have been influenced by this incredible man's life work! I'm sure even if it isn't your heritage or anywhere close, there are still many things about him worth knowing so make sure to check out these attractions while visiting Atlanta - they're open year-round and offer daily guided tours too.   1. The Tubman Museum     The Tubman Museum in Macon is a great place to visit if you're interested in not only African American history but also the broader sweep of US culture. It has exhibits on Harriet Tubman, who now fronts $20 bills after appearing on some earlier versions from 1876-1956 - see what happened here? You'll learn about her life here at this place where she spent time while helping African Americans during slavery times; see what happened when they were freed from their chains onto an uncertain future outside free territory for themselves - so many gained freedom but still lacked any type support or guidance other than "you're nobody anymore."     There's no excuse for not going out and exploring the Warner Robbins area. And those who say there is nothing to do in this small town simply haven't looked hard enough, because I can list over 10 different things you could easily get into here!

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  • Top 5 Schools in Warner Robins Georgia,Mischa Thompson

    Top 5 Schools in Warner Robins Georgia

    If you are thinking about making a move and relocating to Warner Robins and schools are a huge priority for you and your family, then this is for you.  Over the last couple of years, I help numerous people from all over to Globe relocate to Warner Robins. And one of the big concerns I always hear when talking to people is the schools. "I want my kids to be in a good school" And as a dad of two girls, I can completely understand that concern. Having that question is probably the most normal thing for parents when deciding on relocating to a new area. Education for your child is important, and it should be, the education paves the way for the future.  But when it comes to those online ratings of the schools, they don't really reflect what is really going on and why parents maybe chose this specific school. So I would suggest talking to some local families to see why did they choose the school district or specific schools their child goes to because it could be that one school shines when it comes to sports or academics or music and the others don't. So where does that school shine and where does it need a little bit of improvement? You can find that out by talking to local parents. How do you figure out which school would actually suit your child the best? I know a lot of thinking in research goes into making those decisions. It's not only the sports programs, academic programs, or music programs as well as teachers. It's also where's your kid right now. Is it in middle school or on the way to high school? That is all stuff you should figure out prior. Do your research within the community! Facebook sometimes is a great resource as we all know, people will tell you the pros and cons of the schools there, or talk to neighbors.   The ratings of elementary, middle, and high school that I highlight here, are ratings that you can find at www.geratschools.org or www.niche.com. So I will take those ratings because they have some factual data as well as parents' reviews and give you the top three of each category, elementary middle school high school And yes, they're gonna be people that say, "Hey, we do have primary schools" Yes, I know there are primary schools, but there are not enough primary schools in each school district that I could create a top three list out of them. With all that being said, let's jump into the top three elementary schools in the Warner Robins area.   #3 on the list is Purdue Elementary School. Purdue Elementary School has around 661 students. And a big question for a lot of parents is, what does that mean in the student-to-teacher ratio? Purdue Elementary has about 18 students to one teacher in a class, which is not bad. I know that a lot of you prefer fewer students in the class because that means the teacher has more individual time for each and every student on a daily basis to help them progress. The rating for the school is 8 out of 10 on greatschools.org when it comes to student progression,  an 8 out of 10, which is still way above the Georgia average. When it comes to testing also an 8 out of 10! Purdue Elementary has nine reviews on gradeschools.org. There are a couple of reviews on niche.com as well, so if you want to check out those parent reviews, I would encourage you to do so right here: Perdue Elementary School Ratings #2 on the list is Matt Arthur Elementary School. I have to say in my personal opinion, this school is actually pretty cool because it's a KNIGHT-themed school and my kids go there. So I might be a little bit bias. Nevertheless, MattArthur was rated 9 out of 10 on gradeschool.org. Matt Arthur has around 791 students, and when it comes to the student-to-teacher ratio, we're a little lower than Purdue Elementary. The school is at 16 students per teacher. Matt Arthur Elementary School was rated 8 out of 10 when it comes to student progression, but 9 out of 10 when it comes to the testing results. This school has the most reviews online of all schools in Houston County Georgia, Matt Arthur has 22 reviews from the parents and you can find those right here: Matt Arthur Elementary School Ratings Probably a surprise for a lot of local people here, but #1  is Kings Chapel Elementary School. Kings Chapel Elementary School was rated 9 out of 10, as well as Matt Arthur. The school has around 544 students, which is quite a bit fewer students than the other two, but the student-to-teacher ratio is the ratio at Matt Arthur Elementary school, 16 students per teacher. The ratings though are kind of confusing, the school got an overall 7 out of 10, which is still above the state average when it comes to student progression, but it's rated 10 out of 10 when it comes to testing results, and that is way, way above the Georgia State average. There are not many parent reviews but all of them are 5 Star reviews, you can check those out right here: Kings Chapel Elementary School Ratings Let's move on whit the middle schools in the Warner Robins area and see which ones made it in the TOP 3. Coming in at  #3 is Mossy Creek Middle School. Mossy Creek Middle School has around 734 students, those 734 students have a teacher-student ratio of 16 to 1, so not bad at all. Mossy Creek Middle School was rated 7 out of 10. It got a 7 for the student progression and it got a 10 for the testing results, which is great. 10 is way above average and 7 is only a little bit above average when it comes to the parent review score. This school does not have that grade of a parent review score. I mean, they have 15 reviews on gradeschools.com and only have an overall review rating of 3.2 out of 5. So with that being said, of course, we got 734 students and only 15 parents took the time to review the school, so it might not really reflect what the school is all about, but it's pretty interesting as a parent to see what takes other parents have on those schools. Check out the parent reviews right here: Mossy Creek Middle School Ratings   #2 is Bonaire Middle School   Holy moly Bonaire Middle School has 1041 students. Is that school really that big?  When I drive by there, it doesn't seem like that school is that huge. 1041 students, which brings this student-to-teacher ratio at Bonaire Middle School, two 17 to one. That is not that bad at all. The overall rating of the school is a 7 out of 10. Bonaire middle school scored a whopping 6 out of 10 when it comes to student progression and a 9 out of 10 when it comes to testing results, which is great and above, way above the state average. But please bare with me. How can it be that Mossy Creek Middle School scores a 7 when it comes to student progression and scores, a 10 when it comes to testing results, and Mossi Creek is rated lower than Bonaire Middle School? You can check out the parent reviews right here: Bonaire Middle School Ratings I do not get that math here! Gradeschools.org. probably needs to reevaluate this and as I said you can not just go by these online ratings and here is the proof! Well, well, when it comes to parents' reviews, Bonaire has about 17 reviews on greatschools.org, and it could be different on niche.com. But on greatschools.org, Bonaire Middle School only scored an overall  3.1 star out of 5. I know it is not the overall opinion of all the parents there, but 17 reviews is actually a lot on sites like that. #1 is Feagin Mill Middle School With 935 students and a student-to-teacher ratio of 16 to 1. Again, this is a good ratio! The school scored an 8 out of 10 on greatschools.org. I still don't know how the rating of the top three really works because Feagin Mill Middle School scored a 9 out of 10 when it comes to testing results in only a 6 out of 10 when it comes to student progression, which is pretty much exactly the same then the other two schools. When it comes to the overall parent reviews for Feagin Mill Middle School, yes, we are a little bit higher than Bonaire and Mossy Greek 3.2 and 3.1 wasn't really that great, but they also had more reviews. Fegan Mill Middle School has nine reviews and comes in at an overall 3.7 stars out of 5. You can check out the parent reviews right here: Feagin Mill Middle School Ratings Let's wrap this up with the last category, high schools and people let me tell you, this is an important state of your child's education and an important decision. This will form will help get your children get ready for the future, adult life, and college.   #3 is Perry High School I'm pretty sure a lot of people did not think about Perry High School when it comes to the best-rated schools. Perry High rated 6 out of 10 when it comes to an overall rating. They scored a 6 out of 10 when it comes to testing results as well as Student progression. Perry High School scored a 9 out of 10 and is way above average when it comes to college readiness. Perry High School has about 1,367 students, and when it comes to the student-teacher ratio, Perry High School is at 17 to 1. And when it comes to parent reviews, parents must think very highly. Perry High School has actually the highest parent rating of all High Schools 4.3 stars out of 5. If you would like to see the score and parent ratings you can find those right here: Perry High School Ratings #2 is Veterans High School I'm pretty sure a lot of people thought that Veterans High School is coming in at number one, but it depends on which platform you are doing your research on. Because I'm pretty sure number one and number two are very close when it comes to the ratings. Veterans High School has about 1700 students and a student-teacher ratio of 18 to 1. Veterans High School scored, 8 out of 10 in the testing results, and 7 out of 10 when it comes to student progression, both of those scores are above average, but when it comes to college readiness, Veterans High School scores a perfect 10 out of 10! Veterans High School comes in at 3.8 stars out of 5 when it comes to parents reviewing the school, which is still better than the scores we've seen in the middle schools, but number two is lower than the number three ranked high school. You got some work to do Veterans High! You can find the score and parent ratings as well as reviews here: Veterans High School Ratings #1 and therefore the best rated High School in the Warner Robins area is Houston County High School I bet a lot of locals could have guessed that after I mentioned veterans at number two, and most people who looked into school ratings know that Houston County and Veterans High School are mostly number one and two on all those rating websites, but Houston County High takes the 1st Place om greatschools.org. Houston County High is rated 9 out of 10 overall, so almost a perfect score. The school scores 9 out of 10 when it comes to testing results, 9 out of 10 when it comes to student progression, which is way above the state average, and a perfect 10 out of 10 when it comes to college readiness. When it comes to the students, Houston County High has about 1900 students, which is the most students of all the schools that I mentioned and the student-teacher ratio is 17 to 1. This ratio is still a little higher than Georgia's average of 15 to 1, but it's lower than Veterans High School.  When it comes to the parent rating Houston County High does not score as well either, with a 3.4 out of 5 stars. How come the higher-rated schools do have not that great of a parent rating? You can find the score and parent ratings as well as reviews here: Houston County High Schools Ratings   I hope this gives you some information about the schools in the Warner Robins area and may help you choose the right school and district for your family to live in. But keep in mind those are online ratings and you should definitely talk to local parents to make the best decision possible for you and your kids.          

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feature image of A Comprehensive Overview of the Warner Robins Real Estate Market
A Comprehensive Overview of the Warner Robins Real Estate Market
If you're considering buying or selling a home in Warner Robins, Georgia, understanding the local real estate market is crucial. Whether you're a first-time homebuyer, a seasoned investor, or someone looking to relocate, having a comprehensive overview of the market trends and dynamics will help you make informed decisions. In this blog post, we’ll take a deep dive into the Warner Robins real estate market, including current trends, the best time to buy or sell, and what types of homes are available. Current Market Trends Warner Robins has seen steady growth over the past few years, driven largely by its proximity to Robins Air Force Base, a major employer in the area. The demand for housing has remained strong, especially among military families and professionals working in the defense industry. As of 2024, the median home price in Warner Robins is approximately $220,000, with home values increasing by about 6% over the past year. This upward trend is expected to continue, although at a slightly slower pace as the market stabilizes after the post-pandemic surge in demand. The market is currently balanced, meaning that the supply of homes is roughly equal to the demand. This provides a good opportunity for both buyers and sellers to achieve favorable outcomes. However, certain neighborhoods and home types are more competitive than others, so it’s important to work with a knowledgeable real estate agent who can guide you through the nuances of the market. Best Time to Buy or Sell in Warner Robins Timing is everything in real estate. While the Warner Robins market remains active year-round, there are certain times of the year when buying or selling may be more advantageous. Spring and Summer: These are the peak seasons for real estate activity in Warner Robins. Families often prefer to move during the summer months to avoid disrupting the school year, leading to higher demand for homes. Sellers can typically expect to receive more offers and potentially sell at a higher price during this period. However, the increased competition means that buyers should be prepared to act quickly and make strong offers. Fall and Winter: While there is usually less activity during the colder months, buyers may find better deals during this time as sellers who list in the off-season are often more motivated to close the deal. Additionally, with fewer homes on the market, sellers may find that their property stands out more to serious buyers. Types of Homes Available Warner Robins offers a diverse range of housing options, catering to different preferences and budgets. Whether you're looking for a cozy starter home, a spacious family residence, or a luxurious new build, you'll find something that suits your needs. Single-Family Homes: The majority of homes in Warner Robins are single-family residences, offering a variety of sizes, styles, and price points. These homes are particularly popular among families and offer the most privacy and space. New Construction Homes: There has been a significant increase in new construction homes, particularly in developing neighborhoods like Bonaire and Lake Joy Village. These homes often feature modern amenities, energy-efficient designs, and customizable floor plans. Townhomes and Condos: For those looking for a lower-maintenance lifestyle, townhomes and condos are a great option. These properties are often located in more urbanized areas and offer amenities like community pools, gyms, and landscaping services. Luxury Homes: For buyers seeking high-end properties, neighborhoods like Statham’s Landing and Eagle Springs offer luxury homes with features like golf course access, large lots, and custom designs. Financing Options and Tips Securing financing is a critical step in the home buying process, and understanding your options can save you time and money. Warner Robins is a military-friendly community, so VA loans are a popular choice among veterans and active-duty service members. These loans offer competitive rates and require no down payment, making homeownership more accessible. For civilian buyers, conventional loans are the most common financing option. Interest rates are still relatively low, but with the Federal Reserve signaling potential rate increases, it’s wise to lock in a rate as soon as you find the right home. First-time homebuyers should also explore programs like FHA loans, which require lower down payments and are more forgiving of lower credit scores. Conclusion The Warner Robins real estate market is dynamic and offers opportunities for a wide range of buyers and sellers. Whether you're looking to take advantage of the peak selling season or find a deal in the off-season, understanding the market trends and being prepared with the right financing can make all the difference. If you’re ready to explore your options or need personalized advice, don’t hesitate to reach out. As a local real estate expert, I’m here to help you navigate the Warner Robins market and achieve your real estate goals.
feature image of The Ultimate Guide to Moving to Warner Robins for Military Families
The Ultimate Guide to Moving to Warner Robins for Military Families
Relocating is a common part of military life, and moving to a new base can be both exciting and challenging. For military families assigned to Robins Air Force Base, Warner Robins, Georgia, offers a welcoming community, excellent amenities, and a variety of housing options tailored to your needs. In this guide, we’ll explore why Warner Robins is an ideal destination for military families and provide tips to make your transition smooth and successful. Why Warner Robins is Ideal for Military Families Warner Robins, often referred to as the "International City," is located in the heart of Georgia and is home to Robins Air Force Base, one of the largest employers in the area. The city has a strong connection to the military, with a community that understands and supports the unique needs of service members and their families. One of the primary reasons military families find Warner Robins appealing is its proximity to the base. With short commute times, service members can spend more time at home with their families, and less time stuck in traffic. Additionally, Warner Robins offers a lower cost of living compared to many other military towns, making it an affordable option for those looking to buy or rent a home. Top Neighborhoods Near Robins Air Force Base Choosing the right neighborhood is crucial when moving to a new area, especially for military families who may need to relocate frequently. Here are some of the top neighborhoods near Robins Air Force Base: Eagle Springs: A master-planned community with a range of amenities including a clubhouse, pool, and playgrounds, Eagle Springs is popular among military families for its family-friendly atmosphere and proximity to good schools. Statham's Landing: Known for its beautiful homes and golf course, Statham's Landing offers a quiet, upscale living experience while still being close to the base. The Woodlands: A beautiful newer neighborhood located in Kathleen with easy access to both Warner Robins and Robins AFB. Bonaire: Just south of Warner Robins, Bonaire is a growing community that provides a suburban feel with plenty of new construction homes and excellent schools. Schools and Childcare in Warner Robins When relocating, one of the top concerns for military families is ensuring their children have access to quality education. Warner Robins is served by the Houston County School District, which is known for its strong academic performance and extracurricular activities. Some of the top-rated schools in the area include: Mossy Creek Middle School Houston County High School Bonaire Elementary School In addition to public schools, Warner Robins offers several private and charter school options. For younger children, there are numerous daycare centers and preschools that cater to the needs of military families, offering flexible hours and military discounts. How to Find the Right Home When PCSing Finding the perfect home during a Permanent Change of Station (PCS) move can be challenging, but with the right approach, it can also be an opportunity to find a place that truly feels like home. Here are some tips to help you find the right home in Warner Robins: Start Early: As soon as you receive your orders, begin researching neighborhoods and homes online. Websites like Zillow and Realtor.com are great resources for getting an idea of what’s available in the area. Work with a Local Real Estate Agent: A local real estate agent who understands the needs of military families can be invaluable in helping you find a home that meets your criteria and is within your budget. They can also provide insights into the local market and negotiate on your behalf. Consider Renting: If you’re not ready to buy, there are plenty of rental options available near Robins AFB. Renting can be a good option if you’re unsure how long you’ll be stationed in Warner Robins or if you prefer flexibility. Look for Military Housing Options: Warner Robins has several housing developments specifically designed for military families, offering convenient access to the base and community amenities. Conclusion Moving to Warner Robins, GA, for a military assignment at Robins Air Force Base doesn’t have to be stressful. With its welcoming community, affordable housing options, and excellent amenities, Warner Robins is an ideal location for military families looking for a new place to call home. By following the tips outlined in this guide, you can make your PCS move a smooth and successful transition. Whether you’re looking to buy, rent, or just explore what the area has to offer, Warner Robins has something for everyone. Welcome to your new home!
feature image of Retire in Warner Robins GA
Retire in Warner Robins GA
A Guide to the Best Retirement Options in the Area Warner Robins, GA, is a city located in central Georgia, known for its warm climate, friendly community, and affordable cost of living. It is an ideal place for retirees who want to enjoy their golden years in a peaceful and welcoming environment. Retirees in Warner Robins, GA, can enjoy a variety of outdoor activities, such as golfing, fishing, and hiking. The city has several parks, including the famous Wellston Trail, a 5-mile trail that winds through a beautiful forested area. Warner Robins also has a vibrant arts and culture scene, with several galleries, theaters, and museums. The city has a variety of housing options for retirees, including 55+ communities, independent living, and assisted living facilities. There are several retirement communities in Warner Robins, GA, offering a range of amenities, from fitness centers to swimming pools. The cost of living in Warner Robins is lower than the national average, making it an affordable option for retirees on a budget. Overview of Warner Robins, GA Warner Robins, GA is a mid-sized city located in the county of Houston, Georgia. The city has experienced consistent growth of new residents over the past five years, making it one of the fastest-growing cities in the nation. According to the 2020 census, the population has reached 80,308. The city is part of the Warner Robins metropolitan statistical area, which also includes Houston, Peach, and Pulaski counties. It is the state's 11th-largest incorporated city, and it is conveniently located near major highways, including I-75 and I-16, making it easily accessible. Warner Robins offers a variety of amenities and attractions, including shopping centers, restaurants, parks, and museums. The Museum of Aviation is a popular attraction that showcases the history of aviation and the role of the U.S. Air Force. The city also has several parks and recreational areas, including the Wellston Trail, which is a popular spot for hiking and biking. The cost of living in Warner Robins is relatively low compared to other cities in the United States. The median home value was $122,775 in early 2020, according to Zillow. The city has a range of housing options, from apartments to single-family homes, and there are also several 55+ communities and senior living options available. Overall, Warner Robins, GA is a great place to retire for those who are looking for a mid-sized city with a low cost of living and a variety of amenities and attractions. Evaluating Cost of Living When considering retirement in Warner Robins, GA, it's important to evaluate the cost of living. While the cost of living in Warner Robins is generally lower than the national average, it's still important to understand the specific costs associated with living in the area. Here are some key factors to consider: Housing Expenses One of the biggest expenses for retirees is housing. According to Sperling's BestPlaces, the median home price in Warner Robins is $170,500, which is 49.6% less expensive than the national average. Renting a two-bedroom unit in Warner Robins costs $1,150 per month, which is 19.6% cheaper than the national average. Overall, housing costs in Warner Robins are relatively affordable, making it an attractive option for retirees. Healthcare Costs As retirees age, healthcare costs become a significant expense. According to AreaVibes, the healthcare cost index in Warner Robins is 97, which is slightly lower than the national average. Additionally, there are several healthcare facilities in the area, including Houston Healthcare and the Medical Center of Peach County, which offer a range of services to retirees. Utilities and Groceries Utilities and groceries are other important expenses to consider when evaluating the cost of living in Warner Robins. According to Citytistics, the cost of utilities in Warner Robins is 10% lower than the national average. Additionally, groceries in Warner Robins are 2% lower than the national average, making it an affordable option for retirees. Transportation Transportation costs are also an important factor to consider when evaluating the cost of living in Warner Robins. According to Sperling's BestPlaces, the transportation cost index in Warner Robins is 94, which is lower than the national average. Additionally, the city has a public transportation system, making it easy for retirees to get around without the expense of owning a car. Overall, the cost of living in Warner Robins is relatively affordable, making it an attractive option for retirees looking to make the most of their retirement savings. Retirement Community Options When it comes to retirement community options in Warner Robins, GA, seniors have a variety of choices to consider. Here are some of the most common options: Independent Living Communities Independent living communities in Warner Robins, GA, offer seniors the opportunity to live in a community of their peers without the responsibilities of homeownership. These communities typically offer a range of amenities, such as fitness centers, swimming pools, and social activities, and may include services such as housekeeping and transportation. Seniors who are still active and independent but want to downsize and simplify their lives may find independent living to be an ideal option. Assisted Living Facilities Assisted living facilities in Warner Robins, GA, provide seniors with a higher level of care than independent living communities. Residents typically have their own apartments or rooms and receive assistance with daily tasks such as bathing, dressing, and medication management. Assisted living facilities may also offer meals, housekeeping, and transportation services. Seniors who need some assistance with daily tasks but want to maintain their independence may find assisted living to be a good fit. Nursing Homes Nursing homes in Warner Robins, GA, provide the highest level of care for seniors who need round-the-clock medical attention. Residents typically have their own rooms and receive assistance with all aspects of daily living, including medical care, meals, and personal care. Nursing homes may also offer physical therapy and other medical services. Seniors who have complex medical needs or require ongoing medical attention may find nursing homes to be the best option. Overall, seniors who are considering retiring in Warner Robins, GA, have a variety of retirement community options to choose from. By carefully considering their needs and preferences, they can find a community that will provide them with the support and care they need to enjoy their retirement years. Lifestyle and Recreation Warner Robins offers a variety of lifestyle and recreational options for retirees. The city is home to several local attractions, outdoor activities, and cultural events that cater to different interests. Local Attractions For those who love museums, Warner Robins has the Museum of Aviation, which is home to over 90 aircraft and exhibits that showcase the history of aviation. The museum also offers educational programs and events for visitors of all ages. Another popular attraction in Warner Robins is the Rigby's Entertainment Complex, which features bowling, laser tag, arcade games, and an indoor playground. This family-friendly complex also has a restaurant and bar. Outdoor Activities Warner Robins has several parks and green spaces that offer opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, and picnicking. The Wellston Trail is a popular trail that runs through the city and is perfect for walking, jogging, and cycling. For those who enjoy golfing, Warner Robins has several golf courses, including the International City Golf Club and the Pine Oaks Golf Course. Both courses offer challenging courses and beautiful scenery. Cultural Events Warner Robins has several cultural events throughout the year, including the Cherry Blossom Festival, which celebrates the blooming of cherry blossom trees in the city. The festival features live music, food vendors, and a parade. Another popular event is the Georgia National Fair, which takes place in Perry, a neighboring city. The fair features live entertainment, carnival rides, and exhibits showcasing Georgia's agriculture and history. In summary, Warner Robins offers a diverse range of lifestyle and recreational options for retirees. From museums and parks to cultural events and outdoor activities, there is something for everyone to enjoy in this vibrant city. Climate and Weather Warner Robins, Georgia, has a humid subtropical climate with hot, humid summers and mild winters. According to BestPlaces, the average daily high temperatures range from 61°F (16°C) in January to 91°F (33°C) in July. The city receives an average of 49 inches of rain per year, with the wettest month being July. The Climate & Weather Averages in Warner Robins show that the warmest month of the year is July, with an average temperature of 81°F (27°C). The coldest month of the year is January, with an average temperature of 47°F (8°C). The Yearly & Monthly weather data shows that winter months in Warner Robins are characterized by cold temperatures ranging between 58.3°F (14.6°C) in December to 38.8°F (3.8°C) in January. The summer months are hot and humid, with temperatures ranging from 70°F (21°C) to 92°F (33°C) in June, July, and August. Overall, Warner Robins has a comfortable climate with mild winters and warm summers. However, visitors and residents should be prepared for occasional thunderstorms and heavy rainfall during the summer months. Safety and Healthcare Services Warner Robins, GA, has several healthcare facilities that cater to the needs of retirees. This section will highlight some of the local hospitals and emergency services available to retirees. Local Hospitals The Houston Healthcare System is the primary healthcare provider in Warner Robins. It has two hospitals, the Houston Medical Center and the Perry Hospital. The Houston Medical Center is a 237-bed facility that offers a wide range of services, including emergency care, cardiology, oncology, and orthopedics. It also has a senior care unit that provides specialized care for older adults. The Perry Hospital, on the other hand, is a 99-bed facility that offers emergency care, surgery, and diagnostic imaging services. Another hospital that retirees can access is the Coliseum Health System, which is located in nearby Macon, GA. The Coliseum Medical Centers is a 310-bed facility that provides comprehensive healthcare services, including emergency care, cardiology, orthopedics, and women's health. Emergency Services In case of an emergency, retirees can call 911 to access emergency services. The Warner Robins Fire Department provides emergency medical services, including ambulance transport, to residents. The department has several fire stations located throughout the city, ensuring that emergency services are readily available. Retirees can also access emergency care at the Houston Medical Center's Emergency Department, which is open 24/7. The emergency department has state-of-the-art facilities and a team of highly trained healthcare professionals who provide prompt and efficient care. In conclusion, Warner Robins, GA, has several healthcare facilities and emergency services that cater to the needs of retirees. Retirees can access quality healthcare services without having to travel far from their homes. Transportation Infrastructure Public Transportation Warner Robins, GA, has a limited public transportation system. The city has a bus service called the Warner Robins Transit (WRT) that operates on weekdays from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm. The WRT has four routes that cover the city's major areas, including the Robins Air Force Base, shopping centers, and medical facilities. The fares are affordable, and the service is reliable, making it a convenient option for those who do not have a car. Accessibility Warner Robins, GA, is accessible by car, bus, and plane. The city is located near the intersection of Interstate 75 and State Route 247, making it easy to travel to nearby cities. The Middle Georgia Regional Airport is located in Macon, which is about a 20-minute drive from Warner Robins, GA. The airport offers daily flights to Atlanta, Charlotte, and other major cities. The Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport is about a two-hour drive from Warner Robins, GA, and is one of the busiest airports in the world, making it easy to travel to any destination. In conclusion, while Warner Robins, GA, has limited public transportation, it is accessible by car, bus, and plane, making it easy to travel to nearby cities and other major destinations. Financial Considerations Tax Implications When considering retirement in Warner Robins, GA, it is important to take into account the tax implications of retiring in Georgia. Georgia has a state income tax rate of 5.75%, which is relatively low compared to other states. Additionally, Georgia does not tax Social Security benefits, and the state offers a retirement income exclusion of up to $65,000 per year for those over the age of 65. However, it is important to note that property taxes in Georgia can be high, so it is important to factor in these costs when planning for retirement. Financial Planning Services There are several financial planning services available in Warner Robins, GA to help retirees plan for their financial future. Day & Ennis, LLC is a financial planning firm that offers customized financial planning, including income tax planning, insurance and risk management, and cash and retirement planning. Sherri Goss is a financial advisor in Warner Robins, GA who can help retirees with retirement planning, estate planning, and investment management. Jackie Whitley is another financial advisor who can help retirees with business retirement planning and other financial services. Retirees should carefully consider their financial needs and goals when choosing a financial planning service. It is important to work with a reputable and experienced financial advisor who can provide personalized advice and guidance. Community and Social Engagement Warner Robins offers a variety of community and social engagement opportunities for retirees. Some of the options include senior centers and volunteer opportunities. Senior Centers The Warner Robins Parks and Recreation Department offers programs and activities for seniors aged 50 years and older. They offer classes and special events throughout the year to meet the recreational needs of the senior community. The centers provide a great opportunity for seniors to socialize, learn new skills, and stay active. Volunteer Opportunities Retirees who want to give back to the community can volunteer at various organizations in Warner Robins. The Coalition for Community Engagement is an organization that brings a diverse community together to find mutual resolve. Volunteers can help with community events, fundraising, and other activities. Another option is the Houston County Volunteer Program, which connects volunteers with various organizations in the area. Overall, retirees in Warner Robins have access to a range of community and social engagement opportunities. Whether they want to stay active, learn new skills, or give back to the community, there are plenty of options available. Legal and Estate Planning When it comes to retiring in Warner Robins, GA, it's important to consider legal and estate planning. This includes creating a will, establishing a trust, and making sure all legal documents are up to date. One option for legal assistance is the Deadwyler-Heuman Law Firm, LLC. They offer experienced and assertive estate planning and probate representation in the Warner Robins area. Another option is Jennifer Lee Warfel-Bushnell, a Warner Robins estate planning attorney with over 21 years of experience. In addition to legal assistance, it's important to consider asset protection and Medicaid qualification. Think Different Legal is a certified elder law firm that specializes in these areas and offers free consultations and online case analysis. Retirees in Warner Robins should also be aware of Georgia's inheritance tax laws. Georgia does not have an inheritance tax, but it does have an estate tax for estates valued at over $5.49 million. It's important to work with a knowledgeable attorney to ensure that your estate is protected and your assets are distributed according to your wishes. Overall, legal and estate planning is an important aspect of retiring in Warner Robins, GA. By working with experienced attorneys and understanding the state's laws, retirees can ensure that their assets are protected and their wishes are carried out. Pros and Cons of Retiring in Warner Robins Warner Robins, Georgia, is an excellent place to retire for many reasons. However, like any other city, it has its pros and cons. In this section, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of retiring in Warner Robins. Pros Affordable Cost of Living: Warner Robins has a lower cost of living compared to the national average, making it an affordable place to retire. The lower cost of living means that retirees can stretch their retirement savings further and enjoy a comfortable lifestyle without breaking the bank. Warm Climate: Warner Robins has a warm climate with mild winters and hot summers. The warm weather is perfect for retirees who enjoy outdoor activities such as golfing, hiking, and biking. Robins Air Force Base: The Robins Air Force Base is located in Warner Robins, making it an ideal place for retirees who have served in the military. Retirees can take advantage of the many military benefits, including healthcare, commissary, and exchange privileges. Excellent Healthcare Facilities: Warner Robins has excellent healthcare facilities, including the Houston Healthcare System, which provides high-quality healthcare services to retirees. Cons Traffic Congestion: Warner Robins experiences traffic congestion during peak hours, which can be frustrating for retirees who want to get around town quickly. Limited Cultural and Entertainment Options: Although Warner Robins has many shopping and dining options, it has limited cultural and entertainment options. Retirees who enjoy the arts and cultural events may have to travel to nearby cities to find what they are looking for. Hot Summers: While the warm climate is a pro for many retirees, the hot summers can be uncomfortable for some. Retirees who are sensitive to the heat may find it challenging to enjoy outdoor activities during the summer months. In conclusion, Warner Robins is an excellent place to retire, offering many advantages such as an affordable cost of living, warm climate, and excellent healthcare facilities. However, retirees should also consider the city's traffic congestion, limited cultural and entertainment options, and hot summers when deciding if it is the right place for them.




The Thompson Home Group is military spouse owned and operated. We specialize in Real Estate around the Warner Robins Georgia Area, helping service members and their families to make the transition in and out of Robins Air Force Base as easy, smooth and seamless as possible. We’ve closed over 35 million worth of properties helping our clients buy and sell homes in the Warner Robins Area. We are Accredited Buyer Representatives, GRI, and Military Relocation Experts, and ready to help you and your family relocate to Georgia. Why work with the Thompson Home Group? It’s simple, we are a no non-sense, high integrity, attention to detail Real Estate Group.


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We were first time home buyers with no clue what we were doing. I heard only amazing reviews about Mischa, so I contacted him immediately. Best decision! He was so helpful and answered any questions we had (which were a lot). He was always responsive right away and never hesitated to show a listing or send us any new ones on the market. He kept us updated during the whole process and walked us through it all effortlessly. I highly recommend Mischa. Best realtor you could ask for! So happy with our decision and the beautiful house he helped us get.

Elizabeth Hein

Mischa is a rockstar! He patiently answered all our questions, facilitated countless walk throughs, and even virtually viewed houses when we were unable to view houses. Highly recommend for any real estate needs!!


Mischa is a rockstar! It took us six months to find the perfect house for our family. He patiently answered all our questions, facilitated countless walk throughs, and even helped view houses virtually when we were unable to view in person. Mischa was key to making our move a success and we highly recommend for any real estate needs!

Yeah Right

Mischa did an excellent job of listing the home, getting excellent photographs done and making sure it was priced appropriately for the local market in Macon. We had numerous cash full price offers within days of the house being listed for sale. Would certainly work with him and Real Brokers again.

jason r johnson

Mischa did an excellent job of listing the home, getting excellent photographs done and making sure it was priced appropriately for the local market in Macon. We had numerous cash full price offers within days of the house being listed for sale. Would certainly work with him and Real Brokers again.


Mischa Thompson

Agent | License ID: 395991

+1(478) 442-1429 | mischa@mischathompson.com


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